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Quality Brooklyn Dentistry for Dogs and Cats

Caring for your pet’s oral health is just as important as it is for yourself, but it can often be overlooked. At Oceanside Animal Clinic, we’re committed to providing quality veterinary dentistry in Brooklyn to help your pet thrive. It’s our passion to deliver skilled, empathetic, and reliable care to your cats and dogs, supporting not only their teeth but also their overall well-being.

Our team is made up of caring pet parents who will treat your animal like family every time they visit. Whether you need a wellness check to decide if dental services are right for you or if your pet is ready for professional dental cleaning, our team is here to guide you and your pet through the process with compassion. We’re excited for the opportunity to care for your beloved furry friends and can’t wait to meet them. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Why Is Dental Care Important for Pets?

Your pet’s oral health is closely linked to their overall health, meaning that caring for their teeth is one way to support them in living a long, healthy life by your side. Our professional dental services allow our veterinarian to thoroughly examine your pet’s oral health and clean their teeth. By incorporating preventive measures into your pet’s dental care, you can experience various benefits, including:

  • Preventing infection or dental disease
  • Avoiding pain and discomfort
  • Improving your pet’s overall health and quality of life
  • Saving money in the long term by avoiding advanced dental issues
  • Improving bad breath
  • Maintaining the health and function of your pet’s teeth
  • Preventing dental issues from becoming systemic health issues

What to Expect from Our Care

As soon as you enter our clinic, you can expect us to take a compassionate approach that prioritizes your pet’s comfort and well-being. If you’re not a patient of record, we begin with a comprehensive wellness exam that allows us to determine if your pet is healthy enough to undergo treatment under anesthesia. This also includes performing bloodwork and other lab work.

If your pet is healthy enough for our veterinary dentistry, we will schedule a second appointment. During this appointment, your pet will go under anesthesia for professional teeth cleaning and a thorough evaluation of their oral health. We pride ourselves on providing transparent services and will communicate with you if your pet needs extractions or other dental services to get their oral health back in tip-top shape. In most cases, your pet can return home the same day, and our veterinarians will provide detailed instructions for caring for your pet after their procedure.

How Do I Know if My Pet Needs Dental Care?

Unlike us, pets can’t brush their own teeth, so they depend on us to care for their oral health. Studies suggest that by age 3, 80% of pets exhibit the beginning stages of dental disease. When left untreated, dental issues can lead to significant health problems. Even if your pet doesn’t currently have dental disease, keeping their teeth clean is essential to preventing it. Some of the symptoms that your pet is experiencing dental issues include:

  • Yellow or brown buildup on the teeth
  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Sudden change in appetite or energy levels
  • Excessive drooling

FAQs About Veterinary Dentistry

Whether this is your first pet or you’ve had several over the years, it’s natural to have questions about their dental care. You deserve to trust the veterinarian you choose to care for your pet’s oral health, and our team is here to help you feel confident and comfortable in your decisions. Some common questions we receive about our veterinary dentistry include:

How often should my pet have their teeth cleaned?

We recommend having your pet’s teeth cleaned at least once a year. This gives our veterinarian the chance to thoroughly examine their oral health on a regular basis, which is just as important as a general wellness checkup. If your pet has a history of poor dental health, we may recommend more frequent cleanings.

How can I care for my pet's oral health at home?

There are several ways to care for your pet’s oral health, including brushing their teeth, oral rinses, water additives, and vet-approved oral chews. Our team is happy to make suggestions and provide solutions catered to your pet’s individual needs.

Does my pet need to be under anesthesia?

Yes. Performing a dental cleaning under anesthesia is the safest and most effective way to professionally clean your pet’s teeth.

Reliable Veterinary Dentistry in Brooklyn

When your pet’s oral health is in good condition, it helps them thrive so they can live a long, healthy, and happy life by your side. Oceanside Animal Clinic is committed to providing the dental services your pet needs in the compassionate, safe environment they deserve. Our team can help recognize early signs of dental issues and take proactive steps to support your pet’s well-being with our quality veterinary dentistry in Brooklyn. Take the first step by scheduling an appointment with our practice today!